Zion QuiltersZion Quilters 2014

Quilters meet weekly throughout the school year to quilt while sharing life and God's love together. 

This amazing and talented team is dedicated to making beautiful quilts for people in need.

The quilts are donated to organizations such as Lutheran World Relief, Open House Ministries, and Share House. Some quilts are given to comfort families who have lost everything due to a fire or disaster. Lap robes are also made for people who need them.

Quilters gather on Mondays during the school year from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm in the Social Hall at Zion. 

All are invited, women and men. If you can tie a knot or sew, you could be a part of this exciting ministry.

Come and serve with us!

Quilt 2020We will finish your quilts for you! 

Do you or someone you know have a quilt at home that you need to have finished?  Zion Quilters would love to help you with that!  They can finish your quilt in exchange for a donation to help with quilting supplies!  


Quilt kits available


       Do you like to sit and sew at your sewing machine? The Quilters’ Workday group has made kits of quilting squares. All the thinking and planning is done for you. All you need to do is:




8 blocks across, 10 blocks down and you have a finished quilt top! Pick up a quilt kit on Sunday morning or during our quilting time on Mondays between 10 am and 2 pm. Return the top to be finished by the quilting group. All the quilts are donated to Lutheran World Relief and in our own community.

Quilts sized


If you have questions call church office or speak with the Quilter Chairs


Barb Vahsholtz or Doris McDonald.


P.S. Coffee on Monday morning is at 10:30 am!



© 2025 Zion Lutheran Church Camas, WA
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