Easter Is Not One Day On The Calendar

Greetings in the name of the one for whom death has lost its sting, Jesus the Christ!

I hope it is no surprise how much effort goes into Easter celebrations. So many give of their time, effort, and resources to, in essence, view an empty tomb. Yes, I know Easter can be much more than that, but in reality that is the view. The words said to the women that day in Matthew's gospel are: "He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay." What is
it that we want to view on Easter, what is it that we desire to hear as we come to worship?

Within culture, there is an increasing notion to be shown a good time, something immediately worthwhile. Instant gratification is not a new topic for humanity to deal with, yet how much do we work toward something for the inside of the sanctuary or for a single day of worship? Where is Jesus to be found on Easter....out there! He is in the world God has made and called good. He is not here for he is alive and doing what he said he would do on many occasions. We are called
yes to worship and give thanks and give effort to make those important events happen. We cannot lose track of the fact that especially on Easter, Jesus is not where he is expected to be.

There is no accusation in this space for all that goes on for Easter. All the work and prep and effort go into showing others that Jesus is alive, an important piece of news to share! We cannot take
that news for granted; those who know the story best are still called to go and seek out Jesus in the world alongside those becoming familiar with this wonderful news. Easter is not simply one day on the calendar or a seven week period to have white in the sanctuary and lilies on the wall. It is a new and constant reality that we are invited into.

There is power and hope in those words that he is not here and had been raised as he said. Christ going before us to show the way continues to show Jesus as Emmanuel, God with us. On this day
and all days, we are invited to seek him out, go where he goes, and do what the Spirit gifts us to do in response to this wonderful news that he is risen, he is risen indeed. 


It says a great deal about God through Jesus that on this Holy morning that changed the world
as it was known and defines who we are as people of God that Jesus is no where to be found. It
is left to us, those who witnessed Easter to tell the story, not God, not a burning bush or voice
descending like a dove or trumpets from on high who do that. It is us, those whom Jesus called friend, those whom he loved. And he loves us still. Go and find that love. Go and be that love.

Pr. Chris

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